Handbook on Combating Gender Stereotypes (Supreme Court of India)
Sl. No. Case No. Party Name Order Date
1. Writ Petitions (Criminal) No. 666-670/1992 Vishakha & Others V/s State of Rajasthan & Others 13.08.1997
2. Writ Petition(s) (Criminal) No(s). 173-177/1999 Medha Kotwal Lele & Others V/s Union of India & Others 19.10.2012
3. Writ Petition (Civil) No(s). 162/2013 Ms. Binu Tamta & Another V/s High Court of Delhi & Others 17.07.2013
4. Petition(s) (Criminal) No(s). 113/2018 Afshan Pracha V/s Union of India & Others 11.05.2018
5. Civil Appeal No. 2482 of 2014 Aureliano Fernandes V/s State of Goa and Others 12.05.2023